What Is Technical-SEO?

Increase Your Site’s Speed & Rankings

Why is technical SEO (search engine optimization) crucial for your website? Imagine if your site’s rankings went from the bottom half of the first page to the top. Yes, quality technical optimization can significantly impact your rankings.

Along with your motorcycle website’s change in rankings, your revenue would increase. Notably, significant changes in rankings are common if you have an expert in technical SEO.

Plus, technical SEO improves the speed of your site. Below are some statistics on fast websites:

* 82% of consumers say slow websites impact their buying decisions (Unbounce.com).

Other Types of SEO

Before I go into what technical SEO is, here are the two other categories of search engine optimization:

  1. On-page SEO
  2. Off-page SEO

The above two types of SEO are also very important to your website. After reading this article, you should check the on-page and off-page information.

Technical-SEO Definition

Here’s a good definition of technical SEO – it is the process of improving the technical aspects of your website. It can improve search rankings, site speed, and user experience (UX).

SEO with Gears, Globes, Arrows, and Magnifying Glasses on it

Aspects of Tech SEO

Below are some different items technical optimization addresses:

  • Structured data
  • XML sitemaps
  • Checking for duplicate content
  • Fixing broken links on your website.
  • Secure website (SSL/TLS)
  • Canonical tags
  • Responsive website design
  • Clean code (HTML, Java, CSS, etc.)
  • Increasing the speed of your motorcycle website.

Fixing Your Site’s Technical Issues

Here’s how to improve your site’s technical performance. To start, you need to use website evaluation tools. After all, you must find the issues before you can fix them.

In addition, these tools give you an overview of your website’s performance. They also help you discover opportunities to improve your motorcycle site’s SEO.

These also include changes in your website’s content. As opportunities are identified, SEO and marketing strategies are formulated. Finally, changes can be implemented.

Motorcycle Website Example

Below is a motorcycle world example of technical optimization. Imagine an amazing-looking website design. And let’s say it has a revolutionary safety product. Next, these products aren’t just amazing but affordable. Of course, this sounds great!

However, the site has several technical search optimization issues. Subsequently, it ranks in search results from number 30 to 80 for various phrases.

As you can imagine, the company’s revenue is practically zero. But what if the website performs better, but visitors leave quickly because it is too slow?

Again, fixing the technical issues improves rankings, page speed, and time on site. And all of these will help the company’s revenue.

If technical aspects weren’t fixed, the company would go under. The money it had spent to develop its motorcycle website, product, inventory, etc., would be wasted. Plus, riders would miss out on the amazing products. Well, the opposite can happen if the technical issues are fixed.

Notably, technical problems are common. Often, the cause is that designers and developers aren’t search engine experts.

This is the case even with developers at huge, well-known companies and agencies. Plus, many developers don’t know how technical SEO is done. Others don’t know what changes to look for. Subsequently, the developer is lost as to why their site is having problems.

Finally, Revolution can you with your technical search optimization problems. We can also drastically improve your on-page and off-page SEO. 

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