Website Keyword Research

Find Keywords that Convert

First, a good definition of keyword research is the process of finding and analyzing terms to use on your motorcycle website, other online assets, and marketing material.

The critical keyphrases you need are those utilized by prospective customers when searching for similar products or services. Moreover, keyword research lets you learn how competitive it is to rank for phrases and which best convert into sales.

Another reason keyword research is essential to your online marketing is for search optimization. However, there are items to complete before your motorcycle site SEO expert can begin.

You need to understand the basics of marketing a biker website and know how your website currently ranks. This can be accomplished by conducting a content audit.

Also, you want to A/B test your content to get data about the keyphrases that convert the best and easiest. Importantly, you must know what phrases are and aren’t working. This can be done by looking at your biker website’s tools and other online assets.

Free Keyword Research Tools

Below are some free web tools to help you know more about keywords and rider demographics:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Facebook Insights
  • Facebook Ads Manager

All these tools give you the keyword and rider demographic information you need. Furthermore, they explain how your target audience interacts with your website and online assets, like your biker social pages, ads, etc.

Biker Website Keyword Strategy Example

Next, to illustrate the need for keyword research, let me use an example company. I will call this a small to mid-sized company, Kickstart Motorcycle Jackets (Kickstart). They will specialize in old-school-style men’s leather motorcycle jackets.

Now, the phrase “motorcycle gear” is too broad a keyphrase. And it might surprise you that the phrase “motorcycle jackets” might not be the best fit either. Yes, you read that correctly – “Motorcycle jackets” might not be a good phrase to target.

Notably, “motorcycle jackets” can be too broad. This is because Kickstart doesn’t carry many types of motorcycle jackets. For instance, they don’t sell these types of jackets: textile, sport bike, armored, denim, women’s, kids, etc.

Instead, better keyphrases to target would be “men’s leather motorcycle jackets,” “old school biker jackets,” etc. Ranking high for these phrases would get Kickstart a lot of the traffic and sales it needs. This is because this is what they sell and what their target audience uses to search for their jackets.

Also, these longer phrases are less competitive. Larger companies with bigger budgets target the most competitive phrases like “motorcycle gear” and “motorcycle jackets.”

With the right SEO content, Kickstart’s site can rank well and generate solid revenue. In addition, if Kickstart wants to use paid advertising, these more specific phrases are less expensive to target. Now, the following is a rough estimate. Let’s use Google advertising for your motorcycle website as an example.

The cost per conversion of visitors to sales for “motorcycle jackets” would be three to five times higher than for “men’s leather motorcycle jackets” or “old school biker jackets.” Even if it is just three times the amount, that is huge on your company’s bottom line.

Best Keywords for Your Biker Site

Yes, the above might sound confusing at first. Choosing the best keyphrases to target is complex. After keywords are identified, the above traffic and research tools are beneficial.

Finally, on our motorcycle blog articles you can learn basic and advanced marketing. Revolution Marketing agency can do the audit, keyword research, and create optimized website content. With our search engine experts, we will get you the traffic you need.

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