Identifying Biker Target Audiences

How to Find Your Ideal that Will Buy

You’ve probably wondered how to increase the revenue from your motorcycle website. And you’ve also wondered how to stop losing money on your site.

One way to get the best results from your spending is by correctly identifying your target audience. This can impact your engagement, conversion rate, total revenue, and net profit. Consequently, the sooner you accurately identify your audience, the better.

First, you must understand how to market a motorcycle business. Ideally, you should also know your website’s audience before you build your site. Your ideal audience should guide you in creating your motorcycle website’s design, content, and graphics.

Motorcycle Target Audience Examples

Here’s an example of how websites vary because of different target audiences. Imagine what is on a site that builds custom trikes for women. Then imagine what is on a site selling unrestored parts for pre-1960 Harleys.

The trike-related company’s website’s content and motorcycle SEO agency wouldn’t target the phrase “old school choppers.” Instead, they’d target women who like custom trikes. For instance, they might use phrases like “trikes for women.” Also, the logo, graphics, color scheme, etc., would be different.

Targeting Paid Social Media Ads

Another important reason to know your website’s target audience is for paid social media ads. With these ads, you must pinpoint the best demographic. If not, your time and money will be wasted with an inaccurate audience.

Imagine if 10% of your social audience has zero interest in your offering. And let’s say 40% of the people you target are only mediocre fit. How much of your marketing and advertising budget would this waste?

Another question is if a more qualified audience was targeted, how much more revenue would your website generate? And yes, if your social media management is truly an expert, you will make a lot more money when advertising.

Notably, to clarify, Facebook boosts don’t offer highly detailed targeting. But Facebook Ad Manager ads do. Although there are many choices and endless combinations, your Facebook ad expert should know how to pinpoint your targeting.

Who Can Identify Your Audience

First, a marketing agency in the motorcycle world will already have a good idea of your target audience. And if they don’t have a good idea, you’re probably using the wrong marketing company.

Noteworthy is that a techie (whether they’ve worked at a motorcycle company or not) or a generalist marketer won’t get you the best audience. Subsequently, you won’t get the best results from your site.

Instead, you need a marketing person or agency who has the search engine service skills and the following background:

Audience Identification Process

In today’s world, there is no need to rely on guessing and hoping it works. You can look at your motorcycle website’s Analytics, Facebook Insights, advertising results, etc. These tools will show what audience is or isn’t working.

Then, the target audience for your company’s website and ads can be tweaked. Once there’s enough interaction data from the above tools, it can be analyzed again, and then this cycle is repeated. Doing this will help you constantly improve your website’s marketing. Plus, you use data/facts, which results in better sales-related metrics.

Benefits of Accurate Targeting

Next, correctly identifying your target audience of riders has many benefits:

On the flip side, too broad of targeting will do the opposite. Barely paying your company’s bills means your business won’t grow. Eventually, it can lead to your company closing.

Motorcycle Rider Statistics

Understanding motorcycle statistics will help you find the best target audience. First, the US has 14 million registered and unregistered street motorcycles. So, a rough estimate is that the US has 20 million riders and passengers.

Business owners and junior marketers often think the ideal audience includes almost all riders. But this is not the case because some will not want and need your product. In addition, others might not like your specific product or service.

So, what happens? Well, it is simple – you’ve wasted money that you wouldn’t have if you had an expert in marketing. Another important factor when paying for ads is budgeting. In particular, you must know how much your motorcycle company can spend to acquire a new customer.

So, what happens? Well, it is simple – you’ve wasted money that you wouldn’t have if you had an expert in marketing. Another important factor when paying for ads is budgeting. In particular, you must know how much your company can spend to acquire a new customer.

In addition, poor targeting doesn’t just waste your time and money to produce things that don’t work. It also kills the opportunity you have every day to generate income.

Hopefully, you’re just starting to look at building a motorcycle website. But if you already have a website, you must stop the cycle of losing money. One area where you are losing money is paying a generalist marketing company to redo things with only mediocre results.

Finally, Revolution has the skills & biker background to identify your target audience.

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