Online Site Marketing Statistics

Important Data to Drive Your Decisions

If you want to survive or expand, excellence in all aspects of your online business is a must. Below are some invaluable site marketing statistics. They highlight how critical it is to deliver excellence in your online biker business. 

Site Design Statistics

Here are some statistics showing the importance of having a quality website design. Furthermore, these website statistics show that you must have quality content and an easy-to-use website.

  • 94% of first impressions of a company are related to its website’s design (
  • There’s an 80% increase in conversion rate if the landing pages address their fears (
  • 76% of people said the most important elements of website design is quickly finding information (
  • 75% of people online judge a website’s credibility based on its overall look (
  • 74% of people will switch brands if the buying process is too difficult (
  • 3 to 5 seconds is the amount of time (AKA a blink test) that visitors spend when deciding whether to stay on a website (

Search Engine Stats

As you will read below, “pretty good” motorcycle SEO won’t get your biker website the rankings it needs for success. Moreover, you need an expert motorcycle site SEO agency to maximize your revenue.

  • 95% of search traffic goes only to the first page of search results (
  • 54.4% of all clicks are received by the top three Google search result listings (
  • The top-ten search engine listings, and of course, search results featured snippets, get 10x clicks compared to all other listings (

Website Page Speed Stats

Also, the website speed stats below emphasize the importance of a fast site. The faster your motorcycle site, the better. It’s important to note that the developer of your motorcycle site plays a crucial role in determining its page speed.

General Customer Service Statistic

Excellent customer service has never been more important for online success – 90% of Americans decide whether or not to do business with a company by using customer service (

Existing Customers Statistics

Whether you are learning how to market your motorcycle company or are experienced, you should know how important happy existing customers are.

  • It costs to get a new customer between 5 and 25 times than to get a new customer than to retain an existing one (
  • A 5% increase in keeping customers can increase profits by 25%-95% (
  • 65% of the average company’s sales come from existing customers (
  • Existing customers will try a new motorcycle product 50% more often and spend 30% more than new customers(

Positive Customer Service Stats

As you know, online shopping has boomed over the years. And your biker business offering quality customer service can significantly impact your sales.

  • 94% of Americans will recommend a company whose customer service they rate as “very good” (
  • 93% of customers will likely make repeat purchases with motorcycle companies that offer an excellent customer experience (
  • 82% of customers spend more money with motorcycle companies that offer excellent online services (

Negative Customer Service Statistics

On the other hand, if your motorcycle business provides a poor customer service experience, it significantly hurts your online revenue.

  • According to, 71% of consumers said they ended a company relationship due to poor customer service.
  • 51% of purchasers with a negative experience will never buy from that company again (
  • 1 in 3 consumers says they’ll leave a brand, even if it is a brand they love, after just one bad experience (

Customer Review Statistics

As you probably know, reviews have always been important to your motorcycle site’s sales. And today, reviews play a significant role in your conversion rate.

  • Before purchasing a product, 93% of individuals read online reviews of a company, according to
  • 76% of individuals place the same level of trust in online reviews in recommendations from family and friends (
  • According to, 72% of customers share their website experience with six or more people.
  • 13 minutes and 45 seconds is the time an average consumer spends reading reviews before deciding (BrightLocal).
  • User-generated content (including negative reviews and comments) is 6.6 times more likely to impact than company-provided information (

General Social Media Stats

Social media is extremely popular. Quality, regular motorcycle social media marketing is important for your business’s success.

  • 4.62 billion people across the world use social media (
  •  The average adult spends 95 minutes each daily on social media sites (
  • 48% of people buy from responsive companies on social media (

Facebook Statistics

If your biker target audience is over 30, you must have a quality, active Facebook presence. Also, Facebook advertising is a great way to interact with your biker audience, build your brand, gain awareness, and generate sales.

  • 70% plus of American adults use Facebook (
  • Facebook is the most used social media platform, with the highest ROI, best engagement, and highest quality leads generated (
  • 34.6 minutes per day is the average amount of time US users spend on Facebook (
  • is the third-most-visited website in the world behind Google and YouTube (

Free Shipping Statistics

Also, free shipping is a highly effective way to close sales. People value free shipping a lot more than the actual cost of free shipping (zero-price effect).

  • 49.3% of people stated that free shipping is the most important factor when shopping online (
  • 49% of people will abandon their shopping carts because the extra costs (above the product cost) at checkout were too high (

Mobile Website Stats

Next, having an excellent mobile version of your motorcycle site is now more important than your desktop website.

  • 59% of all website traffic originates from mobile searches (
  • Google uses a website’s mobile version to determine how mobile and desktop sites rank (Google).

With all of the above internet marketing statistics, you can see how you must strive for excellence in everything you do. Finally, read more informative articles on Revolution’s Motorcycle blog or our website & search engine services pages.

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