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To find the best version of your content, read about “A/B Testing Online Assets.” To rank above the first organic search result, check out how to get the “Featured Snippet Result.”

Core Web Vitals

Core web vitals (CWVs) are the factors that Google uses to help judge your motorcycle website’s user experience (UX). Importantly, UX is one SEO factor that determines how your site ranks. There are many reasons why you’re not getting the sales you need. One way to improve your sales is by addressing any Core Web Vitals issues, […]

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Website Security

All motorcycle websites and online assets are vulnerable to malware or hacking to some extent. This article will help you secure your online assets, devices, and website. The security checklist below includes steps and tips to help improve your company’s security. Note that this list of security tips is tailored to motorcycle company owners and employees.

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Google’s Mobile-First

Below, you will learn what mobile-first is and how it significantly impacts your biker website’s SEO, traffic, and sales. What Is Mobile-Version First? Mobile-first is the approach to starting your website design and development with the mobile version first and then the desktop version. Why Mobile First Is so Important? Two notable reasons why mobile-first

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URL Redirects

You can help or hurt your SEO just by how you do URL redirects. Correctly redirecting will also avoid damaging your users’ experience (UX). What Is a Redirect Code? Next, a redirect status code is used when visitors and search engines are directed to a URL different from the one they initially sought. Granted, your

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Website Crawl Budget

Is Google able to crawl all of your motorcycle site’s pages? The pages Google can’t crawl will never appear in search results. What Is a Crawl Budget? The time and resources Google allocates for crawling a website are the site’s crawl budget. Crawl Budget & SEO Now, if your website has more pages than your

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Google Algorithm Changes

Waking up and finding your biker website’s search rankings have dropped is a bad way to start your day. But, when your site drops by a few pages, it is a wreck. One reason your website drops in rankings can be a major change in Google’s search algorithm. Over the years, Google has made many

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Avoid Drops in Rankings

“My motorcycle website just dropped off the face of Google’s SEO rankings results.” When this happens, your business’s owner and SEO marketer are in trouble. And this is understandable. The implications can be huge whether your online sales are 20% or 100% of your business’s revenue. Often, this means you lay off employees, or your company

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A/B Testing

With A/B testing, you can increase the performance of your online assets by 5%, 10%, and often higher percentages. Your company must have solid marketing expertise to achieve these noted percentages. One notable item is that you will get better marketing from riders vs. passengers. The percentage increase for companies historically without marketing experts can be much

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Featured Snippet for Merkel Motorcycle Search Result

Featured Snippet

What is the search engine result listed above the organic Google search results? These are featured snippets, and Google added them in 2014. Notably, they can bring a lot of value to your motorcycle website. Next, featured snippets are also called “answer boxes“ since they aim to deliver searchers’ “answers” quickly. Another term used for a

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