Steve Flores

Steve has been with Revolution Marketing since 2005. He has exclusively focused on providing top-shelf web and search marketing in the motorcycle world. Also, he rides a salvage yard HD bobber, likes going to rallies, and is involved in the motorcycle community.

Paid Holiday Marketing

Paid social media holiday marketing is complex. Here are some things to do and not to do, as well as why. Your audience must already be aware of and interested in your product before doing holiday advertising. If they aren’t, you might be unpleasantly surprised with the results…

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Marketing Overview

Learn about the basics of marketing your motorcycle business. There’s a definition, an overview of the 4 Ps of marketing, the various marketing tools used, and some marketing strategies for you to use…

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Black Hat vs White Hat

What are Black Hat and White Hat SEO? Here’s the bottom line: early on, Black hat SEO techniques will hurt or destroy your motorcycle website’s rankings. White hat SEO is the ethical approach of following Google’s SEO rules…

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Facebook vs. Google Ads

Facebook Ads and Google Ads can have a significant impact when marketing your motorcycle website. “When is it best to advertise on Facebook vs. Google?” And the answer is it depends on your goals. Learn when to use Facebook and Google ads…

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Lookalike Audiences

Lookalike (LAL) audiences can be extremely valuable to your bottom line. They help you identify the best target audience for your company. And companies can accomplish this by evaluating tons of data from Facebook. Here’s more about a LAL audience, their value, and how to create them…

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Facebook Hacks

32 million US Facebook accounts are hacked each year, which is about 14% of all accounts. How does your Facebook account or business page get hacked? Learn the causes of the hacks and how to avoid them…

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