Website Security

All motorcycle websites and online assets are vulnerable to malware or hacking to some extent. This article will help you secure your online assets, devices, and website. The security checklist below includes steps and tips to help improve your company’s security. Note that this list of security tips is tailored to motorcycle company owners and employees. […]

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Marketing Overview

Below are the basics of how to market your motorcycle business. Plus, there’s a list of the steps followed by the “four Ps of marketing.” Finally, the best tools and strategies are listed to promote and sell your products or services. Next, motorcycle marketing can be defined as the process, actions, and strategies used to

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Google’s Mobile-First

Below, you will learn what mobile-first is and how it significantly impacts your biker website’s SEO, traffic, and sales. What Is Mobile-Version First? Mobile-first is the approach to starting your website design and development with the mobile version first and then the desktop version. Why Mobile First Is so Important? Two notable reasons why mobile-first

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Black Hat vs White Hat

You’ve probably heard of the terms black hat and white hat relating to different search engine optimization (SEO) approaches. Here’s the bottom line early – black hat SEO techniques will hurt or destroy your motorcycle website’s rankings. Below is more info on black hat vs white hat SEO and your site So, where did these terms

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URL Redirects

You can help or hurt your SEO just by how you do URL redirects. Correctly redirecting will also avoid damaging your users’ experience (UX). What Is a Redirect Code? Next, a redirect status code is used when visitors and search engines are directed to a URL different from the one they initially sought. Granted, your

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Website Crawl Budget

Is Google able to crawl all of your motorcycle site’s pages? The pages Google can’t crawl will never appear in search results. What Is a Crawl Budget? The time and resources Google allocates for crawling a website are the site’s crawl budget. Crawl Budget & SEO Now, if your website has more pages than your

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Facebook vs. Google Ads

Both Facebook Ads and Google Ads can have a significant impact when marketing your motorcycle website. However, Revolution Marketing consultants often gets the question, “When is it best to advertise on Facebook vs. Google?” First, Facebook ads help users find your biker business. This happens because Facebook’s algorithm knows what people are interested in and

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Lookalike Audiences

Lookalike audiences bring a lot of value to your bottom line. Your motorcycle company’s return on ad spend/ROAS is one item that can determine the success or failure of your ad campaign. Using social media lookalike audiences, like Facebook (FB) or Instagram (IG), is one way to expand your target audience and help achieve your ad’s campaign

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Facebook Hacks

There is a real risk of your motorcycle company’s Facebook (FB) getting hacked. One day in 2021, over 530 million Facebook users worldwide had their accounts breached when their credentials were published. Of the 530 million accounts hacked, 32 million were US Facebook accounts. Notably, there are about 230 million Facebook accounts in the US.

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Google Algorithm Changes

Waking up and finding your biker website’s search rankings have dropped is a bad way to start your day. But, when your site drops by a few pages, it is a wreck. One reason your website drops in rankings can be a major change in Google’s search algorithm. Over the years, Google has made many

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